Junkyards in Memphis, TN

Auto salvage yard

Searching for quality used parts or interested in selling junk cars near Memphis? Discover the top local salvage yards renowned for their vast selection of affordable parts, rare components, and great offers for vehicles of all types and conditions. Many yards invite you to remove the parts yourself, a budget-friendly option, while also providing expert help when necessary. These junkyards near Memphis recycle non-functional vehicles into useful materials, promoting cost-effective repairs and environmental responsibility. Explore what makes these businesses unique, including their services, specialties, essential features, location, contact details, and insightful customer feedback to help you make informed decisions.

Worley Auto Parts

Worley Auto Parts excels in providing a wide selection of parts for cars, trucks, and even motorcycles. Their knowledgeable staff offers helpful advice and exceptional service. They stock everything from engines to smaller components, making them a full-service provider.

Memphis Cash for Junk Cars

Memphis Cash for Junk Cars provides swift and efficient vehicle removal. Known for their professional and helpful team, they offer a smooth and easy process for those looking to dispose of unwanted vehicles. Their commitment to excellent customer service makes them a standout choice.

Lane Discount Auto Parts & Salvage

Lane Discount Auto Parts & Salvage provides exceptional customer service, going the extra mile to connect clients with the right parts, even if not immediately in stock. They offer quick turnaround times on orders and are known for their helpful and friendly staff.